What are the benefits of mobile display fridges?

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Mobile display fridges can be a great asset to any business. They’re similar to static display fridges, but are generally smaller and have lockable castors which allow you to move them around your premises. Mobile display fridges give you an additional level of flexibility in your store. They can be invaluable if you’re trying to find the best way to improve your customer flow and interaction, or to quickly add in an extra unit during peak selling times. Many businesses alter during different seasons, and certain products sell well during specific times of the year. Having the ability to be able to alter your store layout to adjust to seasonal demands and patterns is invaluable. It can be vital to optimise sales and react to your customers’ changing needs.

Good businesses adapt

Being able to react to changing times is one of the hallmarks of a good business. If you run a local farm shop with seasonal produce, you’ll need to promote whatever is currently in season. Being able to move units around within your store may help facilitate this. If a take-out coffee shop opens up next door to you, you might decide to bring your baking skills to the fore and promote your home-baked cakes to go with the coffee. When businesses fail, it often lies in their inability to adapt fast enough to a changing landscape. The world moves quickly, and being able to flex and pivot could be key to driving your business successfully into the future.

Increase your sales and invest in a new mobile display fridge

In today’s economy, running costs are high and margins are tight. Reducing your running costs or increasing your sales are two ways to improve your profits. Investing in a new mobile display fridge can help on both fronts. Energy, of which refrigeration makes up a large part, accounts for around 70% of the running costs of the average small food business. Given that older refrigeration units are notoriously power-hungry, it’s easy to see why it’s worth investing in a modern unit. Modern commercial refrigerators are rated under the new scheme introduced in March 2021, to encourage manufacturers to design more energy-efficient fridges and freezers. Previously, many fridges had been rated A+++ or A++, which was unclear and confusing for consumers. With the new rating system, an old A+++ became a new B or C. So, any A-rated new refrigeration unit will be more economical and environmentally friendly than an older model. This is not the only benefit of a modern mobile refrigeration model. Sleek modern designs give you far more usable merchandising space for your footprint, enabling you to promote more ranges and give your customers greater choice. The more you can engage your customers and appeal to their tastes the greater your sales will be.

Maintain your mobile display fridge and your investment

The key point to remember when maintaining a mobile display unit is to move it carefully. While we only stock high-quality units, that have been manufactured to a very high standard, it’s still essential to move mobile units carefully, to prevent excessive banging of the crucial parts of the unit. Always make sure the castors are locked once you’ve moved your unit to the preferred location. Consider your power sources and where you place your mobile unit so it can function effectively. As with static models, mobile refrigeration units require regular maintenance and servicing so they will last for many a year.

Come to Fridgesmart for advice on the best mobile display fridge

Here at Fridgesmart, we don’t just sell mobile display fridges. We also offer support and advice so you can choose the very best refrigeration system for your business. We work with businesses of all shapes and sizes and are always on hand, whether you want to discuss your future refrigeration needs or need an emergency replacement. Our many years of experience brings insight and knowledge to all our advice and support. We pride ourselves on the quality of the refrigeration unit that we source and stock, as well as the high level of customer service that we provide to all our customers. You can see the full range of mobile display fridges we offer here or if you want to discuss your requirements with our friendly and helpful team, call us on 01792 677169.